Home Bollywood The Unsung Heroes of Panchayat Season 3: How Prahlad Cha, Jagmohan’s Dadi and Bhushan stole the Show

The Unsung Heroes of Panchayat Season 3: How Prahlad Cha, Jagmohan’s Dadi and Bhushan stole the Show

In the vibrant world of “Panchayat” Season 3, a sprinkling of characters emerged from the sidelines to captivate our hearts and deliver memorable performances that outshone the experienced Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav and Jitendra Kumar.

by Apoorwa Karnatic
The Unsung Heroes of Panchayat Season 3: How Prahlad Cha, Jagmohan’s Dadi and Bhushan stole the Show

In the vibrant world of “Panchayat” Season 3, a sprinkling of characters emerged from the sidelines to captivate our hearts and deliver memorable performances that outshone the experienced Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav and Jitendra Kumar. These unsung heroes- Prahlaad Cha, Jagmohan’s Dadi and Bhushan (Banrakas) added layers of humor, emotional depth and resilience to the series, making it a journey of lifetime. Let’s dive into the remarkable arcs of these standout characters.

Prahlad Pandey:

Prahlad Cha ’s journey is a masterclass in portraying fortitude. The end of Season 2 left us with a heartbreaking moment when Prahlad Cha lost his only son Rahul, a martyr. The loss not just profoundly impacted Prahlad’s character but every viewer felt the pain of a father who lost his only family and now left alone.  Season 3 picks up with him battling depression and alcohol addiction. His journey through grief is portrayed with genuine authenticity, offering a stirring exploration of loss.

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 Despite the immense weight of his sorrow, Prahlad finds comfort and strength in his bonds with Pradhanji, Vikas  and Sachiv ji. Their constant support becomes his anchor, slowly bringing him back from the darkness. Prahlad’s ethics and morals as the father of a martyr become his guiding light. Rahul’s sacrifice ingrains in him a sense of duty to uphold justice and integrity in the community and his own decisions. His emotional bond with Vikas adds a heartwarming layer to his story, showing that even the darkest times, friendship and family can light the way.

Jagmohan’s Dadi:

Jagmohan’s dadi’s plot starts with her criticizing authorities for neglecting the road construction in Phulera, and then a new twist with a cunning ploy that showcases her determination and resourcefulness. She fools Sachivji by claiming that Jagmohan has thrown her out of the house and insists she needs her own house under the “Pradhanmantri Awas Yojna.” Sachiv ji revealed her plan with his smartness but now the real struggle starts as they join hands with Jagmohan’s family and try to allot them a house under the government scheme. Taking her act to an extreme, she moves into the nearby hut, living alone only to convince the villagers that her family dispute is real. Her dedication to this sham even leads her to consume unnecessary medicines, causing her health to deteriorate which leads to her admission to the hospital, a turning point in the story.

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Her hospitalization becomes a wake up call for Jagmohan. Seeing his Dadi in such a vulnerable state makes him realize the depth of his concern and love for her and the fear of losing her. Jagmohan’s requests to Prahlad Cha to convince his Dadi and the heartful conversation between Prahlad and dadi will leave you teary eyed. Where on one side Dadi expressed her desire to at least leave a good house for her grandson after her demise, on the other side Prahlad teaches dadi a valuable lesson: the importance of living together as a family cannot be compared with living in a bigger separate house. When Prahlad said, “Sona bech Kar pathhar nahi kahreede jate, Amma” we all felt that. Dadi’s journey, filled with motherly love and humor , beautifully highlights the timeless value of family bond.

Bhushan aka (Banrakas):

From season 1, Bhushan also known as Banrakas, has been sketched as an antagonistic and jealous character. In season 3, his character takes a darker turn, openly opposing Pradhan ji and his allies. His envy and ambition lead him to join forces with the MLA, becoming an instrument of disruption in the village.

   Bhushan’s actions make him a character viewers love to hate, a testament to the actor’s brilliance in evoking strong emotions. Bhushan’s commitment to his own interests, even at the expense of his fellow villagers, adds a layer of tension and conflict to the story, underscoring the complex dynamics within Phulera.

While Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Jitendra Kumar and others delivered stellar performances, it is the story of Prahlad, Jagmohan’s Dadi and Bhushan that brought an unexpected yet fresh depth to “Panchayat” Season 3. These people with their unique stories and extraordinary journeys, not just added richness to the narrative but also resonated deeply with viewers.

   “Panchayat” Season 3 celebrates these everyday champions, proving that sometimes, it is the ordinary people and their stories who shine the brightest.

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