Home Bollywood Lady Gaga Dazzles at 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony with French Cabaret Performance

Lady Gaga Dazzles at 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony with French Cabaret Performance

Gaga performs at the Paris Olympics French Cabaret show to celebrate culture and Olympics.

by Harshita Sharma

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics to be held in 2024 was graced by the performance of Lady Gaga who came back to the music industry after a long time. The 38-year-old pop icon sang Mon Truc En Plume, which literally means My Thing Made of Feathers in a French Cabaret style right on the banks of the Seine. Gaga was wearing a dress by Dior and the audience loved her dancing and singing performance. It was a perfect concert to open the Olympic Games – it was French and international at the same time and it was the language of music which unites people all over the world.

The Current Campaign As A Celebration Of French Culture And The Olympic Values

The song, “Mon Truc En Plume,” which was sung by Lady Gaga was originally sung by a French ballerina by the name Zizi Jeanmaire in 1961, and this proved that Lady Gaga also had a lot of love for French culture. The choreography started with Gaga being accompanied by dancers who were holding light pink feathers thus presenting a picturesque sight in reference to the title of the song and its content.

The French connection was also evident in the singer’s outfit which was a black, corseted bodysuit with long opera gloves, both of which were by Dior. This choice of outfit not only suited the performance but it also underlined the position of French fashion on the international level.

A True Ballet Of Dance

The dancers’ movements were very well coordinated, which reflected Gaga’s complex style as an artist. She was supported by 10 dancers and 17 musicians and apart from energetic dancing she could easily switch to piano playing. The dancers having oversized feathers and umbrellas performed an energetic and visually engaging show in line with the beauty of the Seine.

The most memorable part that I liked was when the dancers then hoisted Gaga into the air as if flying, signifying the Olympic spirit and how music takes one to another level.

A Personal Connection to the Performance

In a post on social media after the event, Lady Gaga took time to thank everyone and also accepted the fact that she had the privilege to open the Paris Olympics. She stated her relation to the song and Zizi Jeanmaire, who starred in the musical by Cole Porter, which inspired Gaga’s first jazz record, “Anything Goes”.

The singer also admitted that she is not French, but always felt like French people and their music are close to her. Such a feeling was reflected in her dance when she was trying to maintain French culture at the same time trying to express her own creativity on the international platform.

Establishing The Charm Of The Olympic Games

When the athletes entered in a water procession on the Seine, Gaga’s performance was a timely rejoinder to the spirit of Olympics – to overcome barriers of color, race, creed, and religion and come together through the medium of sports and arts. She was lively and made everyone feel like it was a celebration of the games that are yet to be held.

The decision to have an international pop star sing a French song was also consistent with the global theme of the Olympics and how people of different cultures can come together in appreciation of one another.

A Comeback to Remember

For the lovers of Lady Gaga, this was one of the best performances they have seen her giving after coming back to the music scene. The singer who is famous for her dramatic gestures and powerful voice did not leave the audience indifferent, providing an emotional and at the same time a colorful performance. Her performance skills in front of the audience and the entire world proved that she is one of the best entertainers in the world.

The performance also depicted the growth of artistic style of Gaga to change her style according to the genre and culture and yet remain individualistic.

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